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23 August, 2022

MEMBERS OF the CHAMBER visited one of the most beautiful lakes of Kyrgyzstan – Kel-Suu

Members of the Chamber made a trip to one of the most beautiful lakes of Kyrgyzstan, Kel-Suu, in August 2022. Despite the inaccessibility of the route, in particular: crossing the Ak Sai River, or crossing a seemingly completely safe area, however, later turned out to be a swamp in which you can easily get stuck – there was a vivid impression of the incredible beauty of the lake, in which the water is breathtakingly turquoise! The lake is surrounded by harsh rocks. The view is simply amazing! From the beauty you see, you immediately forget all the difficulties that you encountered on the way.
Colleagues were struck by the variety of animals, huge herds of yaks, camels, horses, unusually thick marmots in large numbers.
The Kel-Suu lake itself was formed many thousands of years ago as a result of an earthquake.

icon Events

2 September, 2022

MEMBERS OF the CHAMBER visited one of the most beautiful lakes of Kyrgyzstan – Kel-Suu

Members of the Chamber made a trip to one of the most beautiful lakes of Kyrgyzstan, Kel-Suu, in August 2022. Despite the inaccessibility of the route, in particular: crossing the Ak Sai River, or crossing a seemingly completely safe area, however, later turned out to be a swamp in which you can easily get stuck […]

3 May, 2022


Members of the Chamber as part of the Almaty group of tourists made a trip to the South  Inylchek Glacier during  30.04-02.05 2022. The trip turned out to be very  impressive: colleagues admired the picturesque views of nature on the way to the Glacier, whose height is 4000m, spent the night in tents, visited a […]

23 August, 2022

MEMBERS OF the CHAMBER visited one of the most beautiful lakes of Kyrgyzstan – Kel-Suu

Members of the Chamber made a trip to one of the most beautiful lakes of Kyrgyzstan, Kel-Suu, in August 2022. Despite the inaccessibility of the route, in particular: crossing the Ak Sai River, or crossing a seemingly completely safe area, however, later turned out to be a swamp in which you can easily get stuck […]

14 April, 2021

Долгожданные изменения в подходе нашей судебной системы к взысканию убытков! en

Статьей 44 Закона Республики Казахстан «О товарных знаках, знаках обслуживания и наименованиях мест происхождения товаров» предусмотрена обязанность лица, неправомерно использующего товарный знак, возместить владельцу товарного знака понесенные им убытки. Однако, на практике суд редко выносит решения о взыскании понесенных убытков с Ответчика. Если подобные решения и принимались, то речь обычно шла о мизерных суммах. Казахстанская […]